Gallery All Divers of Lakes and Bays, Wanderers of Seas and Coasts Flockers and Songbirds Gleaners of Forest and Meadow Scavengers and Birds of Prey Seabirds Shorebirds Showy Birds, Nocturnal Hunters, and Superb Aerialists Songsters and Mimics Upland Gamebirds and Marsh-dwellers Waterfowl Woodland Sprites American CrowAmerican Crow American FlamingoAmerican Flamingo American PtarmiganAmerican Ptarmigan American RedstartAmerican Redstart American RobinAmerican Robin American Scoter DuckAmerican Scoter Duck American Sparrow HawkAmerican Sparrow Hawk American SwiftAmerican Swift American White PelicanAmerican White Pelican American WidgeonAmerican Widgeon American WoodcockAmerican Woodcock Autumnal WarblerAutumnal Warbler Load More…